常见问题 | 金融援助

请注意: The FAFSA Simplification Act was enacted in 2021. This Act represents a significant overhaul of federal student aid, 包括免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA)所需的信息。. 在这里了解更多关于这些变化的信息.


How do I apply for 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 scholarships/grants?

第一个, 你必须被录取为全日制本科学生,寻求你的第一个学士学位. 这将根据你的学术成就决定你有资格获得的“优秀”资助的类型. You may also apply for additional scholarships from Carroll. 如果您希望申请任何额外的奖学金,请查看我们的奖学金页面并与您的入学顾问交谈. Second, you would file the Free Application for Federal Student Aid. Once the 财政援助办事处 receives this information from the federal processor, it will be determined if you qualify for any need-based 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 monies. 如果你是一名全日制本科生,正在攻读第二个学士学位, you are not eligible for state or federal grants, but are eligible for 1/3 off of tuition.

How 和 when do I apply for financial aid?

You must file a Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). We recommend that the form be completed online at http://studentaid.gov / fafsa. Be sure to list 博天堂官方入口登陆登录's school code of 003838. 一旦FAFSA表格被处理,估计家庭贡献(EFC)将被制定. 然后将确定您是否有资格获得任何类型的联邦,州,工作或贷款援助.

通常情况下,你可以在10月1日开始为下一学年填写FAFSA,并提供两年前的财务信息. 请注意,对于2024-25学年,FAFSA将在2023年12月31日之前开放.

我必须每年申请助学金吗? 如果是,什么时候??

是的, 想要获得某些类型的经济援助的学生必须完成FAFSA http://studentaid.gov / fafsa prior to the start of each academic year. 如果你不打算完成FAFSA,请通知财政援助办公室finaid@kshgxm.com 和 we can determine if you are eligible for any financial aid.


In order to be eligible for any federal or state aid, you must complete the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). 如果你不想填写FAFSA,你仍然可以从卡罗尔获得经济援助奖. This award will show any merit scholarships you have received. 如果你不填写FAFSA,并希望被视为“只看成绩”的学生,请联系经济援助办公室.

How do I request a tax transcript from the IRS?

You can request a tax transcript online, by phone or via mail. More information can be found at the 国税局的网站.

What is an EFC (or SAI) 和 how is it used to determine my eligibility?

When you file the Free Application for Student 金融援助 (FAFSA), the information you report is used in a formula established by the U.S. 国会. 该公式确定您的预期家庭贡献(从2024-25年FAFSA开始更名为学生援助指数). EFC/SAI通过以下方式用于确定基于需求的经济援助:就读成本- EFC/SAI =经济需求. Learn more about the EFC calculation.

我父母挣的钱太多了. Is it worth my time to file a FAFSA?

仅仅从收入水平来确定你有资格获得什么样的经济援助是不可能的. 许多其他因素在决定你有资格获得的援助类型方面起着作用, such as size of household 和 number in college. The FAFSA is free 和 only takes a small amount of time to complete. 还要记住,如果他们提交FAFSA,每个学生都有资格获得某种形式的贷款援助.

My parents will not help me pay for school. 我可否以“独立人士”申报??

不幸的是,答案是否定的." According to federal regulations governing Student 金融援助 项目, a student cannot be considered independent unless they:

  • 24岁或以上
  • 已经获得了第一个学士学位,并将继续获得硕士或博士学位
  • 都结婚了
  • Have children who receive more than half of their support from the student
  • 是否有受养人(子女或配偶除外)与学生同住,而其生活费的一半以上来自学生
  • 13岁或以上, 你的父母都去世了, you were in foster care or you were a dependent/ward of the court
  • 到今天为止, 你是由你的合法居住地的法院确定的合法监护人或被解放的未成年人
  • At any time on or after July 1, you were determined to be homeless
  • You are a veteran or are currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training

我父母离婚了. Which parent should list their income information on the 2023-24 FAFSA?

If your biological/adoptive parents have divorced or separated, answer the questions about the parent you lived with more during the past 12 months. If you did not live with one parent more than the other, 回答在过去12个月里父母中谁提供了更多的经济支持, or during the most recent year that you actually received support from a parent. If this parent is remarried as of today, answer the questions on the rest of the form about that parent  the person whom your parent married (your stepparent).

我父母离婚了. Which parent should list their income information on the 2024-25 FAFSA?

If your biological/adoptive parents have divorced or separated, 回答有关在过去12个月里为你提供最多经济支持的父母的问题. If this parent is remarried as of today, answer the questions on the rest of the form about that parent  the person whom your parent married (your stepparent).

我父母再婚了. Do we have to include stepparent information on the FAFSA?

是的, 如果你的父母再婚了, you are required to report stepparent income 和 asset information on the FAFSA. 该表格的目的是确定你的家庭为你的教育做出贡献的能力,并需要准确反映当前的家庭状况, regardless of the amount of financial support being received from the stepparent.

What is "verification" 和 why was I selected?

联邦处理器随机选择FAFSA申请进行验证过程. 您将需要完成博天堂官方入口登陆登录财政援助办公室提供给您的验证工作表,并提供学生和家长联邦纳税申报表的签名税务成绩单. It is possible you may be asked to complete other forms as well. 验证工作表, 然后将税单和其他表格与FAFSA上报告的信息进行比较,以再次检查准确性.

请注意: 如果学生被选中进行验证,重要的是家庭尽快回应验证请求,以防止经济援助处理的延误.

I have received an outside scholarship. 这会影响我的经济资助吗?

In most cases this will have no effect on your financial aid situation, 然而, 有时,它可能会直接影响到你将有资格获得的贷款类型和金额. 所有来源的经济援助不能超过卡罗尔制定的出勤费用. If you receive an outside scholarship you should contact the 财政援助办事处.

I will be attending as a part-time student. 我有资格获得经济援助吗?

本科生每学期保持6个学分(半全日制)或以上的入学状态,研究生每学期保持3个学分或以上的入学状态,你就有资格获得经济援助. You must complete the FAFSA to be eligible.


如果你已经获得了联邦工作学习或校园工作,并且已经完成了你的工作申请, 博天堂官方入口登陆登录财政援助办公室将在夏季结束时通知你,你将被安排在学年的哪里. To be awarded Work Study or 校园 Job, the criteria that generally have to be met are that you: are a full-time, undergraduate student; complete the FAFSA form; demonstrate financial need according to the FAFSA; 和 live on campus.

Do I have to file a FAFSA every year?

是的. 学生必须每年提交FAFSA,他们将有资格获得基于需求的援助. A student can either complete their renewal application online, 或填写新的FAFSA, 无论是在线版还是纸质版. Renewal applications can be completed online at http://studentaid.gov / fafsa with the use of your federal FSA ID. If you have lost or forgot your FSA ID, 您将在登录页面上找到链接,这些链接提供了检索用户名和密码的选项.

什么是FSA ID?

A FSA ID is a username 和 password that you must use to log in to certain U.S. Department of Education (ED) websites. 您的FSA ID表明您有权在教育署网站上访问您自己的个人信息,例如在http://studentaid上免费申请联邦学生援助(FAFSA®).gov / fafsa.

If you are a parent of a dependent student, 如果你想以电子方式签署孩子的FAFSA,你需要自己的FSA ID. If you have more than one child attending college, you can use the same FSA ID to sign all applications. Please note: Each FSA ID user must have a unique email address.

Your FSA ID is used to sign legally binding documents electronically. It has the same legal status as a written signature. 不要把你的FSA ID给任何人,甚至不要给帮你填写FAFSA的人. Sharing your FSA ID could put you at risk of identity theft!

Does 博天堂官方入口登陆登录 participate in the SAGE学费奖励 Program?

是的! 了解更多关于 SAGE学费奖励.

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